Thursday, July 21, 2011

Throw it out Thursday

OK so admittedly, I'm not the typical blogger. I don't have a theme. I'm not on a mission. Frankly, I don't give a crap about "monetizing" my blog. Sure money is great, but it doesn't buy happiness. Money buys stuff. Lots of stuff. And at some point, I realized that stuff doesn't really make you happy. That's why I'm dedicating Thursdays to throwing things out. Clever, I know. Here's the kicker... it's not just trash day. It's really not about going through my possessions and getting rid of shoes that are outdated, clothes that don't fit, or toys that are outgrown. Today is about throwing away all kinds of things that are no longer of service to me. It's about getting rid of all the clutter - physical, mental, social, emotional - so there is more room to appreciate what's really important to me. Life.

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